
Dragonknight Standard is the ulimate skill of fire damage when it gets level 12.It let you deal fire damage while going for either a tank or DPS role. Going for a Draconic Power build will give you more health regen and armor buffs for a tanking role. Ardent Flame is a DPS skill line with DOTs. Earthern Heart gives you more support options for your group. It is a favorite of ranged Dragonknights.

Dragonknight Standard

Dragonknight Standard is very practical in large melee group of skills, it can effectively weaken the other therapists and increase our chance of winning.This ability is a dragon knight tanks and output work preferred skills, but don’t forget, as the ultimate skill, it can have certain filling time.

Dragonknight eso

How to use Dragonknight Standard ?
Dragonknight need penetrated deep into to the enemy using this big skill,and the more enemies injured , the more sucess you got .Use it to hit a single target is does not make sense.The skills to fully reflect the dragon knights face the great power of the enemy.

Your player group can launch chain converging attack Allies.The converging attack effect can be enemies freeze and cause more harm;At the same time, the anchor effect can make the enemy is hard to be sure and make you more damage sustained damage aura.When you have the ultimate value to release the dragon to ride a military flag, you should tell teammates and remind them not to miss use the best timing chain converging attack.You couldn’t start the converging attack by yourself.

By coolyou