Fremennik, a legendary hero, comes back and be welcome in Hero’s style. Welcome to Summer Beach Party, let’s head over to Lumbridge Crater.

Runescape news

In Hero’s Welcome, you’ll meet the mighty V who well known to those of you who’ve finished While Guthix Sleeps as he returns to his people. You’ll embark on a series of dangerous raids on Dragonkin lairs, and uncover some of their darkest secrets. Be ready for combat, as there’ll be plenty of fierce foes to fight, but you’ll need brains as well as brawn to succeed.

There are rewards that prepare for your winning. Prevail and you’ll earn hearty helpings of XP, better yields when Runecrafting, and access to new areas containing bane ore and adamant dragons. There’s also a repeatable boss fight, which can drop new throwing weapons and a tradeable level 75 cape.

So cool, right? Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s ready for combat and join in Summer Beach Party. Lucky July!

By coolyou