In an effort to better understand Wildstar crafting and to give those that have yet to experience it a better understand of what to expect. Here is a bit of information about every Tradeskill and Hobby. This way you can plan for what Tradeskills you may be interested in doing at some point.
Tradeskills – The crafting system where you have levels of progressions, schematics that need to be learned and talent points to assign. You can choose to learn two Tradeskills at a time.
You can swap Tradeskills, which is free for the first swap, 25G for the second and subsequent swaps. You can swap at any time (there is a 24H cd for switching) and you keep all progress. When you swap back you will pick right back up where you left off. The higher your skill in a Tradeskill, the higher the potential cost may be.
The available Tradeskills are:Weaponsmith, Armorer, Mining, Outfitter, Survivalist, Technologist, Architect, Relic Hunter and Tailor.
Hobbies – Support the crafting system but does not have levels and talent points associated. You can make any schematic you have in your possession and have the ingredients to make. Everyone can choose to pick up every hobby.
The available Hobbies are:Cooking, Farming and Fishing in the future (Post Launch).
Crafting starts at level 10, you will receive a phone call and be invited to the tradeskill hub. Now is your chance to pick up a tradeskill or two.
Crafting Trainer in Gallow
Crating Trainer Oaklee in Sylvan Glade (Celestion)
Crafting Trainer Trixion in Feralplain Collective (Deradune)
Upon arrival, the tradeskill operator will inform you about crafting and allow you to pick to two Tradeskills. Each has a description (listed below). Upon picking one, you will get the Starter Schematics.You will also want to visit the Selected tradeskill NPC to receive your first quest and the Billboard for even more mission. Completing these quests give you great experience in your chosen professions.
Completing Crafting Achievements will give you more schematics to help you level. So be sure to review what the achievement requirements are and the resulting rewards to plan you crafting progression.I hope you find this Compendium helpful, now get out there and craft