Blade & Soul obviously had a greatly delayed arrival to the western regions but does this mean that we want to receive the updates at a much faster rate?

Plenty of players have managed to play Blade & Soul in the past on Asian servers, but I am well convinced that there are also many who decided to wait for the official western release.As frequent updates,players are with more demand for blade and soul gold. We have already received the Warlock class update with just a few months after the actual release, and now, the level cap increasing Silverfrost Mountains Expansion has also been announced.

It currently feels slightly like NCSoft is trying to make up for the delay by pumping out all the updates from Korea at an extremely fast rate. I don’t know about you guys, but I personally like to explore a content fully and I can imagine that players are struggling to max out anything if by the time they are half way, another update makes the previous one quite useless.

My opinion here, will probably be opposed by those who have played on Korean and Chinese servers because they have already seen most of the things that are currently available on the NA and EU servers, but as I mentioned earlier, there are many players for whom this is totally new stuff.

Currently, for me, a level cap increase after just a few months into the game, seems slightly early, but perhaps it might be a vital step due to the amount of balance fixes that the expansion will hopefully bring. Are you guys satisfied with the rate of updates in Blade & Soul, or is it perhaps slightly too fast to handle? For more information, please go to

By coolyou