This week, the Korean server of Blade & Soul is going to get a highly-anticipated function: gender and race change. It can’t be bought by Blade and Soul gold. This function may probably require some cash, but the exact amount hasn’t been revealed yet.

Last month, the Chinese server of Blade & Soul also announced the gender change function, with a gender changing card to be released this year. Currently there is still no word on this update for the western server, and I guess it may take a few months before it happens. By the way, the western server of Blade & Soul is just going to get the Silverfrost Mountains expansion. Don’t forget to try the new features on March 23rd.

Gender and race change are among the most wanted Blade & Soul functions. NCsoft had noticed this and they are preparing the implementation of this two functions on the Korean server this week.We can assume that based on their “popularity”, these two functions will probably come in exchange for a fee. Now, that the Korean version of the game will get them is just a matter of time until these functions will be available also for the western players.

For more information, please go to

By coolyou