If you are a Runescape fans, maybe you have seen Big Mo and got a scroll clue from him. Well, do you love it? Most people enjoy it because of skills, but others are bothered by endless skill grinding and runescape 2007 gold consuming. Following is the way to find some hints by Big Mo.


Big Mo as a businessman and salesman will take a trip around the map from May 1 to May 31. And once per day through May, he will sell you a clue scroll for a reasonable price. The more you visit him throughout the month the more likely it will be that he has the tier that you are looking for. As he moves at midnight GMT every day, you have to track him down, and you can find some hints on the OldSchoolRS Twitter.

Most people love clue scrolls from Big Mo, mostly because it gives motivation to trail skills they wouldn’t do otherwise, like claim the monkey madness on pure account. Regardless of the reward, it would have fun to finish RFD in OSRS as well. Have fun!

By coolyou