NBA 2K17 updates the roster, Andre Drummond is confirms to join this years’#Team2k.

NBA 2K17 is starting to create hype among fans with its latest reveals of cover stars, top caliber roster, and special editions to avail when the newest entry to the franchise comes out on September 20. A look at the behind-the-scenes motion capture session in realizing the game has also emerged online.

Via the official NBA 2K 2K17 Twitter page, 2K confirms NBA superstar Andre Drummond to join this year’s team 2K.There are four  stars left to determine,who will be the next?More reveals on the current stars will be made each weekday.As “NBA 2K17” official public outing is fast approaching, fans can now get their fingertips working to start pre-ordering the game to add to their next collection soon.CkTNrS0WUAEbt1y

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